Element Partitioning

The use of advanced Monte Carlo techniques can greatly improve sampling of the spatial distribution and partitioning of impurities in multi-component, multi-phase systems that occur on time scales inaccessible to conventional molecular dynamics simulations. We will carry out constant pressure simulations of the Gibbs ensemble or expanded Gibbs ensemble followed by Gibbs-Duhem integration along coexistence lines to cover a wider range of state points. The Gibbs ensemble allows one to study directly phase equilibria of systems with arbitrary number of components and phases by using multiple simulation boxes that are thermodynamically connected but do not share a physical interface. Configurational-bias Monte Carlo techniques will be used to enhance phase transfers of the alloying elements and, in particular, identity exchanges between two different alloying elements, e.g. oxygen with sulfur. Aggregation-volume-bias techniques will be exploited to direct the transfers to specific sites, e.g. interstitial or vacancy sites. These techniques have been successfully used to investigate solid-liquid-vapor phase boundaries, to determine precise partition constants of multiple analytes in chromatographic systems, and to calculate the vapor-liquid coexistence curve of water using first-principles methods (Siepmann, Gillan, and Price).

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