
The main system's metadata requirements are described in the "Visualization" and "Project Management" sections. In general, metadata needs to be supported with authoring tools, publication and management systems, and browsing/retrieval tools. In this project, our metadata system will use SRB for storage, query, and retrieval, already supported by our consulting team member Kleese (UK). We will also adopt metadata schema authoring/editing tools developed by Kleese's group and will examine the applicability of their general science schemas to problems in theoretical chemistry. The SRB and supporting tools developed by her group are Web Service compatible (with WSDL interfaces), so they may be integrated straightforwardly into our general messaging framework. We will develop a metadata naming scheme for a few dozen standard visualization algorithms to help abstract visualization services. Additional metadata will describe all phases of the job submission process, hardware resources and application characteristics. The chemistry data will be initially described using the Chemical Markup Language (CML), developed to describe chemical elements. All the metadata describing the hardware and software resources of users will be stored in databases connected to NB. (Pierce, Erlebacher, Yuen, Cozzini, Kleese-Van-Dam, and Karki)

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