Solid Solutions

To address the thermodynamics of solid solutions we need an efficient technique to sample the configuration space spanned by the possible arrangements of soluble atoms over the available sites. Solute and solvent in Mg/Fe-silicates or alumino-silicates are chemically dissimilar. In this situation, the method of choice is the Cluster Expansion (CE) method. The alloy is treated as a lattice problem on N sites. For each configuration one assigns a set of spin variables Si (i=1,2, , N) to each site, with Si = 1 according to whether site i is occupied by atom A or B. Then the energy of various configurations are used to parameterize an Ising Hamiltonian to be used in the estimation of the free energy of any configuration. It is a well-tested approach that has successfully addressed isovalent size-matched alloys. However, for systems with large strain relaxations or heterovalent substitutions, long-range interactions lead to slow convergence rates. An alternative approach that can deal easily and exactly with long range interactions mediated by the structural relaxation is Computational Alchemy (CA) that has been successfully applied to lattice mismatched semiconductor alloys. Another possibility is to fit in reciprocal space the long-range part of the interaction. A combination of standard CE for the short-range chemical interactions and CA or reciprocal space fit for long range interactions will allow to correctly predict the energies of arbitrary configurations for our lattice mismatched substitutional alloys. (Wentzcovitch, de Gironcoli)

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